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SBA Upcoming Webinars & Workshops

SBA South Florida District Office

u s small business administration

Upcoming Webinars & Workshops

Illustration of main street businesses with a red banner and the following text, SBA loves small businesses. The SBA logo is at the bottom.










Show Me the Money – Financing Options for your Small Business     –  March 9   11am

This class discusses the multiple sources of capital for starting and growing a small business. The pros and cons of the funding sources are also reviewed. Topics to be discussed include familiar options such as self-financing, funding from friends & family, and partnerships. Other sources are reviewed such as:

  • Small Business Loans
  • SBA Loan Guaranty Program
  • Microloans

Some less conventional financing sources along with their pros and cons are also discussed, including selling equity (shares), venture capital, angel investors, and crowd funding.

Registration (gotowebinar.com)


Build a Paid Marketing Strategy   – March 9  6pm

Trying to build a strong paid marketing strategy that increases your lead generation and bottom line? Learn the basics of paid advertising through marketing, key platforms to utilize, and tools to build a strategy to grow sales. Learn the advantages of different marketing outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tik Tok, Google, and Amazon. Hear tips on how to utilize each platform effectively and how to capitalize on paid advertising for sales and lead generation.


  • Budgeting effectively
  • Analytics that matter in paid advertising
  • Building a strong funnel using ads
  • Effective content creation
  • Targeting a specific audience

Building a Paid Marketing Strategy | SCORE

Cómo Monetizar Su Presencia en Las Redes Sociales   –  March 10   11am

Tener negocio propio significa que tiene que aprender estrategias de mercadeo y ventas. Hoy día una de las estrategias más populares es utilizar las redes sociales. Aprenda como crear una estrategia para redes sociales, simple pero efectiva para que pueda darse a conocer, crear una audiencia y obtener clientes.

Cómo Monetizar Su Presencia en Las Redes Sociales Tickets, Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite


Build Your Marketing Mindset Webinar   –  March 10  1pm

Do you need to supercharge your marketing strategy to reach more potential clients? Creating a successful marketing mindset is equally as important as it is to have the right marketing actions in your marketing plan. For any business, having the right mindset can help them see things from a potential client’s point of view and how they should be marketing to current and potential customers. A good marketing mindset not only puts your customer at the center of things, it also helps you develop your sales process. You need to have confidence in both yourself and the products or services you offer. Many business owners underestimate the value of what they offer. In this webinar, you will learn about common marketing mistakes such as where businesses undervalue what they sell and struggle to convey the true value to potential clients. Participants will also learn how to put marketing on center stage for your business to scale properly.

Build Your Marketing Mindset Webinar (floridasbdc.org)


MS PowerPoint Basic   –  March 12  9:30am

PowerPoint is a component of the Microsoft Office suite, and it can help you create presentations and slide shows. This Microsoft PowerPoint basic tutorial is for beginners or those looking for a refresher. This high level review will cover the basics and will help you learn how to navigate the program in order to create a basic presentation on your own. This step by step review can also be used to practice alongside of the instructor as she navigates through the tabs and tools in real time if you have access to your own version of PowerPoint during the training and a second monitor. All the basics of PowerPoint, such as selecting, adding & formatting new slides, inserting text, pictures, graphs & charts, formatting, transitions & animations will be covered.

MS PowerPoint Basic | SCORE


LinkedIn Fitness Workshop   –  March 14  6pm

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform. It can be used to find the right job, build a network of like-minded professionals, strengthen professional relationships, & learn the skills you need to succeed in your career. An optimized LinkedIn profile can help you connect with opportunities by showcasing your unique professional story through experience, skills, and education. If you are looking to learn how to use LinkedIn, learn about the benefits of having of an optimized LinkedIn profile, and leverage all the platform, join the next LinkedIn Fitness Webinar.

LinkedIn Fitness Workshop | SCORE


Building the Ultimate Business Plan   –  March 15  6pm

Business planning is the foundation to starting a new venture, raising funds, or growing your existing business. It serves as an important roadmap for your business. Receive the basic tools necessary to complete a practical business plan in this seminar, including how to conduct the research necessary to make decisions and develop financial projections.

Registration (gotowebinar.com)


International E-commerce For Small Businesses   –  March 15   6pm 

Demystifying B2C cross-border trade

This workshop will reveal the opportunities and tools needed to successfully launch and grow a B2C revenue stream from international consumers. We will distill the main elements with practical and hands-on activities in order to define a plan and launch within 30 days.

This workshop will inform you on the following critical aspects of accessing new international markets:

  • Insights and training on export strategies;
  • Tools and resources to enter new markets;
  • Insights on how to build an export-friendly digital presence; and
  • Guidance on package flow and preparing an export shipment.

Have an e-commerce site? Want to know what it would take to grow your cross-border transactions? According to the International Monetary Fund, 87% of the world economic growth will take place outside of the US. For Cross border B2C e-commerce, that represents over US1.2 trillion in Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) transactions by the year 2022 – with a 25% growth rate.

International E-commerce For Small Businesses | SCORE


SBA Business Briefing for the Women-Owned Community  –  March 16 10am

In celebration of Women History Month, the SBA South Florida District Office is hosting a Virtual Business Briefing for the Women-Owned Community. The SBA will share information about the Agency’s record-breaking achievements in small business lending, pandemic recovery programs, and in government contracting with small businesses throughout South Florida. Join us and Allen Thomas, SBA’s Regional Administrator for the Southeastern Region!

SBA Business Briefing for the Women-Owned Community 3/16/22 (Virtual) Tickets, Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite


Performance Reviews to Retain and Motivate Employees   –  March 16  12pm

Learn about the importance of timely and regular performance reviews on employee retention and motivation and the best strategies and steps before, during and after employee reviews.

HR Series – Part 3 of 5 – Performance Reviews to Retain and Motivate Employees | SCORE


Serie en Español—Parte 1 de 3 En Sus Marcas, Listos, Fuera… ¿Cómo Lanzar Un Negocio Exitoso en Florida?  –  March 17  12pm

¡Felicidades por su interés o decisión de lanzar un nuevo negocio! ¿Y ahora qué? En este webinar discutiremos las tres fases críticas para aclarar, definir y emprender su nueva empresa. Además discutiremos los pasos fundamentales para formalizar su negocio en el estado de Florida.

Lanzando Un Negocio en Florida | SCORE


Como crear un plan de negocio   –  March 19  9:30am

Usted aprenderá acerca de los diferentes tipos de planes y como personalizarlos para su situación particular. Recibirá las plantillas que puede empezar a poblar de inmediato con sus recientes ideas y conocimiento. Usted aprenderá que incluir, que excluir y que acentuar, al mismo tiempo que afina su capacidad de administración en las áreas funcionales claves del negocio: investigación de mercadeo y estrategia, modelado de negocios, operaciones, recursos humanos y finanzas. Poseer su propio negocio es uno de los clásicos sueños americanos. Si está comprometido a llevar su empresa existente o reciente al siguiente nivel, entonces este taller lo conducirá al camino del desarrollo de un plan eficaz adaptado a su necesidad. El mejor plan es aquel que trabaja para usted, no una plantilla genérica. Es muy importante tener en cuenta que en las semanas siguientes los mentores de SCORE Broward estarán disponibles para guiarle mientras desarrolla su plan.

Como crear un plan de negocio | SCORE


Federal Government Contracting 101   –  March 24  10am

Ready…set…sell to the federal government! This workshop provides information on registering with the federal government, how to locate federal opportunities, who to market to within the federal government, and so much more!

Registration (gotowebinar.com)